Kia Mātau Te Whenua - To Recognise Whenua
Marilynn Webb – A morning of relaxed talks
Saturday 6 April | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
A morning of relaxed talks featuring Ōtepoti experts, each offering insights from their various fields, to provide background information and discussion on themes found within selected series by Marilynn Webb (Ngāpuhi, Te Roroa and Ngāti Kahu). These series of artworks recognise whenua, awa and moana with curiosity, reverence, and burning demands.
Lucy Hammonds
Suzanne Menzies-Culling and Marie Laufiso
Tumai Cassidy [Kāi Tahu, Ngā Puhi, Te Āti Awa]
*The name of this event is taken from the title of an essay by Bridget Reweti (Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Te Rangi), available translated into te reo Māori and in English, from the book Marilynn Webb: Folded in the Hills
FREE 11am Saturday 6 April
[image: Marilynn Webb Mahinerangi Sunset Number 3, from the Pacific Countdown Suite 1986. Hand-coloured linocut on paper. Marilynn Webb Estate collection]