Otago Polyfest Screening

Streaming live in the DPAG Foyer

Tuesday 12 September - Friday 15 September | 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Enjoy the live stream of Otago Polyfest on the big screen in the gallery foyer. 

Otago Polyfest is a significant event on the cultural calendar for whanau and kaiako across the Otago region – and 2023 is a big year for the festival, marking it’s 30th anniversary!

Drop in any time to experience Otago Polyfest on the big screen, or better yet, head over to the Edgar Centre to experience it in person. This year is even bigger and better with performances, stalls and activities for all ages. You’ll see our DPAG and Toitū Kaiako in the Polyfest village on Wednesday 13th where they’ll be working on a collaborative community mural for anyone curious about taniwha!

Tuesday 12 September – Friday 15 September  |  10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

See more information about Otago Polyfest here:  https://www.facebook.com/OtagoPolyfest/

[Image: created by Kaiako Māori Kirsten Parkinson]

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