Viewing of the Stations of the Cross #2
works by Joanna Margaret Paul
Saturday 6 November - Sunday 14 November | 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
The Stations of the Cross (c.1971) by Joanna Margaret Paul will be available for a second special public viewing —
Saturday 6 to Sunday 14 November 2021
at St Mary’s Star of the Sea
38 Magnetic St, Port Chalmers, Dunedin
We ask that you visit between 10am and 4pm and be respectful of any church activities taking place.
Thanks to Father Mark Chamberlain and St Mary’s Star of the Sea.
Presented in association with the exhibition –
Joanna Margaret Paul: Imagined in the context of a room
This is the final week of this exhibition - ends 4pm Sunday 14 November
NOTE: Under Level 2 we ask that all visitors to the Church scan/sign-in, wear a mask at all times, and respect the 2 metre rule.
[image: Joanna Margaret Paul Stations of the Cross c. 1971. Tempera (installation view) St Mary, Star of the Sea, Port Chalmers. Courtesy of Joanna Margaret Paul Estate]