Steve Carr

Goes Nowhere Like a Rainbow

20 October 2007 - 16 February 2008

Filled with Carr's trademark whimsical humour and lightness of approach, Goes nowhere like a rainbow uses video and exquisite sculptures in blown glass to explore the tension between comfort and danger, security and fragility. By making objects as familiar as logs of firewood from a material as vulnerable and elegant as glass, Carr creates beautifully brittle trophies of ordinary life.

A life-size pile of logs is stacked as though ready for winter fires, but, instead of the wood you might expect, they are made from clear blown glass, which is almost invisible from certain angles. Marshmallows on sticks appear ready to be roasted, while a pile of chicken wishbones are also scattered on the floor. The transparency of the glass works serve to create a suggestion of the actual objects themselves, similar to the way that a drawing might operate. On one level they are simple sculptural forms—on another level there is a mysterious quality to this arrangement from which we can imagine a plethora of different stories.

With support from Creative New Zealand Toi Aotearoa.

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