wide range of DPAG workshops

4 August 2020

The Gallery provides diverse workshops that we hope will appeal to a wide range of people within our communities in Ōtepoti Dunedin. 

When I look back to 2019, we provided workshops in traditional Japanese Edo period woodblock print-making; a T-shirt screen print workshop; and a watercolour workshop. In 2020 we have provided a further watercolour workshop; a photogram workshop; two lunchtime drawing sessions in the galleries; and more recently an architecture workshop. Coming up on 8 August we have an oil painting workshop focussed on using black and white paint, allowing people to build their understanding of brush stroke and composition. In September there will be a floral workshop that we are currently taking bookings for; we support Dunedin Public Libraries and Ignition Book Festival to provide a watercolour workshop for children; and there will be a ekphrastic poetry workshop and readings (ekphrastic means responding to a painting in a poetic way) – which takes us up to October. 

We offer workshops that have relevance to our exhibitions, and in the case of the floral workshop, to a seasonal event (Spring). So do keep an eye on our website, and on our posters just in case that one workshop you have always longed to do comes your way! 

Noho ora mai, Lynda Cullen
Visitor Programmes Coordinator, Dunedin Public Art Gallery

The floral workshop is presented in association with the Still Life section of the Style & Substance exhibition.

[image: MATTHEW SMITH Mixed Roses in Two Jugs c.1935. Oil on canvas. Collection of Dunedin Public Art Gallery]


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