Margery Blackman
Closing events
8 October 2024
Later this week DPAG will be bidding farewell to Margery Blackman: Weaving, Life, a significant exhibition surveying the life’s work of eminent Ōtepoti Dunedin artist, arts advocate and textiles scholar Margery Blackman. Come along to the Gallery this Saturday (12 October)to enjoy two special events on the closing weekend of Weaving, Life.
Firstly, an exhibition tour led by guest curator Elle-Loui August. The tour will follow the many threads within Margery’s artworks, and the world surrounding her art practice. After the tour, try your hand at loom weaving in an open demonstration led by Christine Keller from the LoomRoom.
Weaving, Life tour: 11am – 12pm Saturday 12 October
Loom weaving demonstration: 12pm – 2pm Saturday 12 October
FREE events, all welcome
To keep up to date with all the upcoming events at DPAG, visit our website or follow our social media channels!
Noho ora mai
Mya Morrison-Middleton
Visitor Programmes Coordinator
Dunedin Public Art Gallery
[above: Margery Blackman Tapestry for Patricia (1987). Hand woven wool tapestry. Given by Margery Blackman in 2021, Hocken Collections Uare Taoka o Hākena, Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka University of Otago]